Labels:airplane | animal | arcade machine | audio cd | bed | bench | cabinet | cd rom | clock | coffee table | compact disk | crt screen | desk | disk | earth | light | optical disk | person | plaything | rug | sky | table | tree | water | windowpane OCR: Sprite 99 660 formar wit Rock Ridge Extension To mount sun, ensur director /cdrom exists then type #mount thsis /dev/sr0 cdronm Once the diseis mounted.rea the fil readme. txt OISC OMPACT DATA STORAGE Produced by Walnut Creel CDROM 510947 5996 This cdrom contains the soure entatio nand research papers for the John Sprite Networt Operating System. Tsreseareh project led by Prof Ousterhout n the Compute Scier the University of Californa Berkeiey Beside Prof Ousterh ictuded Brent Welch Andrew Cherenson. Fied Dous Boor Mike Mendel Kupter, Rosenblum. Jim Mary Bake Bob irrift Mou -Smith others have also 1660 1ormat Extensions ensure directory file disc drom source code paper Oasterhout California Mende Baker Kupfer